Year End Party

By November 6, 2016Uncategorized

Hello Everyone,

We had our year end party last night and it was so much fun to be able to talk to everyone without shouting and yelling over all the cars. Peaceful and nice it was not even noisy with all that showed up.

We had a great dinner, very nice awards for our winners and just small talk with everyone.

Want to especially thank David, Katie and Francy Winterburn for the hosting of the party at there place of business. It all turned out so well so a big thank you to you all.

Also thank you to Katie Winterburn and Barbara Phelps for taking a lot of food. Katie kept some for her school there and Barbara took the balance of food to One Safe Place and everyone was thrilled to receive the food. I also want to thank Jon Peacut and Maryann for coming to the party since Jon sold his car and quit the club. It was great to see you both.

We hope that everyone had a good time. Don’t forget we have another meeting this month on November 15th and we will be voting that night for the new members of the board. This is who is running incase anyone wants to add someone.

President: David Winterburn and Troy Dewell

Vice Pres: Ray Dibble

Secretary: Brian Berry and Barbara Phelps

Members at Large: Danny Ide, Bruce Lamb, Jim Earle and Darin Dillon

Now I want everyone to know that if you can’t make the meeting you can always email me who you want to vote for, I will print it out and take it to the meeting to be counted. So please everyone get back to me on this you only have 10 days to think about this.

Happy Holidays to you all.

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