Racing on 9/20/15

By September 21, 2015Uncategorized

We had another great turn out for the races. I need to thank everyone who helped with the clean up and for taking care of things when I became ill. I want to put out a special thank you to a lady we hardly get to see anymore because of her job and that is Lynette I was told she took over doing what I would normally do. So thank you so much Lynette. So a BIG thank you to you all. Well now down to business I was told that David Winterburn had top time of day with a 90.16 and Keith Smith took pax. I really want to thank Jerry Shaha for being our race steward since I elected him for the job. Everyone was really worried about this track when we were setting it up and when everyone walked the track they all said this is going to be a very hard track. I agreed and I don’t even race. So in the end I was told that everyone said it was a great track so good goin Jerry. Also want to put out a special thank you for Danny for getting the big fan down to us and a big thank you to his son Travis for doing the back and for with the fan. ok I sent out a email today about a special meeting we are having at Upper Crust Pizza on 9/29, please try to attend this is an important meeting for all of us. Need to start thinking about elections too so put on those thinking caps and go for it. Thanks again to all of you who helped with this race.

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