Racing on 4/17/16

By April 17, 2016Uncategorized

Well everyone we started with new season off with a bang,. We had over 40 drivers alot of new people too which makes it even more rewarding to the club. I want to thank Brian Berry and Blake Dewit for being our race stewards, this is the first time for both of them doing this and boy did they do a great job, so a big thank you. I also want to thank Lynette DeMars for helping big time with the board today. She is such a great help and we miss her when she is gone so hopefully she will be back in Redding soon. We also had a new person with his dad show up for our meeting last month, they came and and raced with us today and guess what Patrick you have a small trophy coming to you, So when you show up next month I will have it for you. Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful time day it was a little on the warm side by everyone had a good time, so we will see you at the next meeting (I will keep you informed about that too) we are going to have to meet early for the next two months because we are racing before our meetings and we need everyone on the same page for racing events such as our BBQ in June. Thanks again to all who set up the track too. Sorry I almost forgot to tell you that Scott Murchison won Pax today and Blake Dewit won Top time of day. Congtrats to you both. Hope you have a wonderful week.


I really try to hard not to forget anything when we are racing but it is very hard and I have to acknowledge a young lady that races with us and have for several years now. I found out today she is 12 and almost as tall as I am which is 5’6′, so she ran her cart today and she is just one heck of a driver in that thing. I want to say to Georgia Earle that you are just awesome young lady and your parents I know are very proud of you too. So keep up the good work and if you don’t stop growing pretty soon dad said he is gonna have to put you in a car. So congrats to you. And thank you for racing with us we all adore you.


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