

Registration Open for September 21st and 22nd Autocross

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Our final points race weekend of the year is on Saturday and Sunday September 21st and 22nd at the Shasta Speedway.  Gates open at 7:30am with Driver’s Meeting for Run Groups 1 & 2 at 9am.  Driver’s Meeting for Run Groups 3 & 4 is at 12:00pm. Entry fee is $32 for members and $37 for non-members each day.

Register now at

2024 Fundraising Kickoff:  Each year we choose organizations helping others in our community for our charity drive – past beneficiaries include the Haven Humane Society, Northern California Wheelchair Athletics, The Carr Fire Relief Fund, Connected Living Food Bank, The Good News Rescue Mission, the Northern California Veterans Museum, Toys for Tots, Adopt a Family, and the Shasta County Child Support Services Backpack and School Supply Drive.  We have raised over $18,000 in support of local charities over the last 7 years through the hard work of our club volunteers and supporters.

This year, we are helping with Park Fire relief.  We are donating to the United Way of Northern California and are also helping Kristy and Michael Daneau, a family that lost their Paradise home in the Camp fire in 2018, and again have lost their home in Cohasset in the Park fire.  Participate in the raffle for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning a 2025 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  You can donate online as part of your race registration, or we will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the September and October events.  

Raffle drawings will be held at our year end celebration Enduro weekend October 26th & 27th and you do not need to present to win. We appreciate donations for the raffle!  If you are able to donate automotive themed or local service items, please reach out to me or Jeremy!

August Results

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After our July top-speed weekend at the kart track, we slowed it down for our August event with a technical two lap gated course favoring finesse and quick thinking.  We went with a 5 second missed gate penalty vs. a DNF as we know people would be missing some gates and would still want a time, and no one figured out a strategic way to game it so that worked out well – if you see the results and see people with 5+ penalty that is why,  It was one of the coolest August weekends in recent memory and great for racing, thank-you to everyone who made it out to race with us.  

Troy Dewell managed a clean sweep for Top Time in his supercharged XP Miata, making it look easy, while Blake DeWit and Brian Berry battled for PAX, each winning a day and setting up a showdown for the last race of the Season for all the monies.  Fastest novices were Garet Eastman in a Honda CIVIC Si Saturday and Jacob Labowsky in a Miata on Sunday – congratulations!  

Full results: – two drops have been applied to the YTD results with two more coming after the September event, we score best 8 of 12 for the season.  Let me know of any issues with the results.

We are finishing up details for this year’s fundraiser that will conclude at our Fall Enduro, and will have registration open soon for our final points race weekend September 21st and 22nd.

Autocross at the Shasta Speedway this Weekend!

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Come join us at the Shasta Speedway on Saturday and Sunday, August 17th and 18th for rounds 9 and 10 of the Shasta AutoX Challenge Series!  Just 4 events remain in our points season plus our Fall Enduro so don’t miss out!  Club t-shirts available for $10, 40th anniversary stickers are $5, and it promises to be a cool weekend so start time will be the usual 9am.

Register now at there is plenty of room!

Friday 08.16.2024

– Gates open at 5:000pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Campers are welcome!  

Saturday 08.17.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run groups 3 & 4 (or one combined afternoon group if low signups)

– Fun runs for registered racers until we get tired

Sunday 08.18.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4 (or one combined afternoon group if low signups)

– Fun runs for registered racers if time allows – must stay for track clean-up!

– Clean-up and break down of the site

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  2024 SCCA Solo rules apply, you can download them from and we’ll have printed copies at the event.

4.  Full season schedule

5.  Club meetings have moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6-8pm. 

TTC Returns to the Shasta Kart Track

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Our weekend at the Shasta Kart Klub went smoothly despite the heat – the schedule worked out well with events concluding by 1pm both days, avoiding the worst of it except for us hapless souls who did set up on Friday. Some cars, hearts, and RV air conditioners were broken by the end of it all, we missed Jeremy, but the human spirit carried on. The track has had some maintenance since we last visited in February and was plenty fast, with fresh sealant and newly painted curbs. David Winterburn drove the DSR Sports Racer to the top of the speed charts both days (41.50 on Sunday), with Danny Ide runner up Saturday and Larry Nelson Sunday, both in EM. PAX went to Brian in the DS Mustang Ecoboost Saturday and to Keith Smith in the CAMT Camaro Sunday. Our fastest novices were Joe Brattoli Saturday and Mark Simonds, both in Corvettes.

We appreciate everyone who made it out to race with us for a fun and safe weekend – full results:

Our next event is coming up August 17th and 18th (early start!) at the Fairgrounds in Anderson and we are looking for track designs from our racers. Send us an email or make a reply here with your idea, or bring it to our Club meeting on August 14, and we may be racing your track that weekend! Race sign ups are open now at:

Kart Track this Weekend!

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We hope you are planning to join us at the Shasta Kart Klub for a weekend of autocross racing with the Trinity Touring Club. Lots of space available, please sign up online at  We plan to start early and be done before the afternoon heat both days – please review the schedule and arrive on time!  

Overnight camping is allowed (no power or water, absolutely no fires).  Food and fuel are nearby at Rancho Rd. and Airport Rd.  The access road and parking areas are gravel – go slowly, 5 mph max on all unpaved surfaces..  DO NOT TRESPASS onto the dragstrip.  There are drag races Saturday night  and at no time this weekend are we allowed on any portion of the drag strip property. 

At the Kart track, the staging lanes are paved – please do not park on the staging lanes.  All of the rules we have at the Shasta Speedway apply here, no drugs or alcohol, children and pets must be supervised, no aggressive driving on the access roads, etc.  The Club will provide cold waters, but bring your super tanker and stay hydrated!

Friday 07.12.2024

– Gates open at 6:30pm Friday for a quick track setup

– Anyone planning to camp Friday needs to arrive between 6:30pm and 8:00pm 

Saturday 07.13.2024

– Gates open at 7:00am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 8am, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun runs for registered racers if time and weather allow

Sunday 07.14.2024

– Gates open at 7:00am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 8am, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  2024 SCCA Solo rules apply, you can download them from and we’ll have printed copies at the event.

4.  Full season schedule

5.  Club meetings have moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6-8pm.


Shasta Kart Klub

6030 Old Oregon Trail Redding, CA 96002

From I-5:
– Take exit 673 for Knighton Rd and head toward the Redding Airport (East)
– Turn Left Onto Airport road
– Turn Right onto Rancho Road
– Turn Right at the 1st cross street onto Old Oregon Trail heading South
– Turn Left onto Desperado Trail
– Turn Right onto Old Oregon Trail heading South
– After entering the main Redding Motorsports Park gate, keep left
– Enter the left gate and travel South along the gravel road (5 mph)  – look for green TTC cones

– Continue on gravel road (5 mph) to the Shasta Kart Klub

June Results + Club Meeting Weds (Tomorrow)

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We had a really fun weekend tearing around the autocross course and the competition was fierce!  Congratulations to Garret Murphy for fast time on Saturday, to Blake DeWit for a PAX sweep, and to Troy Dewell for a very fast top time Sunday.  Our fastest novices were Rasen in a SRT-4 Saturday and Dylan in a VW GTI Sunday.  Top 9 spots Sunday were within a second, it was a fast and fun track, great job everyone, we look forward to seeing you at our next event at the Shasta Kart Klub track July 13th and 14th!  Registration will be open this week.

Our monthly club meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday June 12th at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, social hour 6-7 followed by the meeting, everyone is welcome, we are halfway through the season and need to plan the rest of the year – your input is valuable!  Join us!

Sign Up Now for Autocross Racing June 8th and 9th

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We are racing at the Shasta Speedway on Saturday and Sunday, June 8th and 9th, rain or shine, for a traditional autocross weekend.  Both days are points races for club members competing in the Shasta AutoX Challenge Series – June marks the halfway point of the season, so there is still time to join the club and complete this year!  Sign up for a membership as part of registering online.  Club t-shirts and our 40th anniversary decals are also ready and look fantastic!  T-shirts are included with membership and we will have some for sale at the event for $15.  Come check it out!

Register now for our June weekend at:

Friday 06.07.2024

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide

– Campers are welcome!  They are working on the track area, park in the West lot.

Saturday 06.08.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun runs for registered racers if time allows

Sunday 06.09.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  2024 SCCA Solo rules apply, you can download them from and we’ll have printed copies at the event.

4.  Full season schedule

5.  Club meetings have moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6-8pm.  June meeting is on Wednesday June 12th following the race.

Double Header Race Results

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Our first ever double header event was a big hit!  Beautiful day, fast track, and a great group of racers are all we need to have fun on a Saturday.  Cones were minimal, so paying attention to the course was a requirement, and it did catch a few racers out initially.  At the end of the morning event, it was David Winterburn taking top time of day in the DSR Sports Racer by a full second over Troy Dewell in the XP Miata, and the only racer in the 33 second bracket.  For PAX, it was the Ecoboost HPP vs. the Elantra N with the Mustang taking top spot by 0.015, and our fastest Novice of the morning session was Robert Adamscheck in a Focus ST.

For the afternoon session, it was a battle between Troy Dewell in the XP Miata and Larry Nelson in the Brunton Stalker Super, with Troy taking the top time and holding down the only 33 second time of the day.  David’s Sports Racer popped tire and could not contend for a win unfortunately.  Notable mention is Garret Murphy taking 3rd overall by 0.001 over Danny Ide in the ’48 Willys.  Max Power drove the Elantra N (D streetified for this year) to a PAX win by 0.06 over Keith Smith in the CAMT Camaro.  Lots of close battles!

Event and Season to Date Results –

Our next event is June 8th and 9th at the Shasta Speedway, sign up now at


Autocross Double Header Saturday May 11th

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We are racing at the Shasta Speedway on Saturday, May 11th for our first ever Double Header event – pay one price, race twice!  Two points events on one day, sign up for both the morning and afternoon groups to participate in both races.  No racing on Sunday (Mother’s Day).  Come join us for an action packed day of racing, rain or shine!

Sign up now – space is limited!  Shasta AutoX Challenge Series:

Friday 05.10.2024

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide

– Campers are welcome!  

Saturday 05.11.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2 (Race #3)

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4 (Race #4)

– Clean-up and break down of the site

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  2024 SCCA Solo rules apply, you can download them from and we’ll have printed copies at the event.

4.  Full season schedule

5.  Club meetings have moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6-8pm

Sharon and Ted Haley Spring Enduro 2024 Results

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We were blessed with dry weather and a great group of racers for our spring enduro, honoring our friend and colleague Sharon Haley and her late husband Ted, who were both instrumental to the development and sustainment of our little racing club over the years.  We missed Sharon dearly this weekend, but had a great event with a lot of people pitching in to help out – she would have been proud, but have a few things to say, I’m sure.  Saturday, Larry Nelsen in the Brunton Stalker Super claimed top time, chased by Troy Dewell in his XP Miata.  Sunday, it was Troy with a record setting time of 181.215 for the 5 lap enduro and first top time for the supercharged Miata.  Blake DeWit sailed his ES Miata to commanding PAX wins both days.  We also had two Novice graduations with Arbor Evans and Oliver Bagnell completing two events and moving on to their car classes for the year.  Thank-you to everyone who made it out this weekend for a fun two days of autocross, and we are looking ahead to a great year of events. 

Race results:

We have a Club Meeting on Wednesday the 10th  at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6-8pm, all are welcome.  Our next event is our first ever Double Header on Saturday, May 11th, two events, one day, one price, registration is open now at – come race with us!