2018 Shasta AutoX Challenge Series starts this Sunday April 15th

By April 11, 2018Uncategorized
Please join us for the first points race of the 2018 “Shasta AutoX Challenge Series” on Sunday, April 15th (rain or shine).  Our season is 9 races, with our member’s best 8 counting towards Class championship points.  Members who compete in a minimum of 4 events are eligible for a Class championship.  We are introducing a new “Most Improved” award for this season as well – see details below.

You don’t have to be a member of the club to race – all are welcome, and anyone can compete for the Fast Time, PAX, and Fast in Class awards presented at each event.  Fees are unchanged from last year – entry fee is $30 for members and $35 for non-members. Please visit http://www.trinitytouringclub.com/more-info/ for all the race day details and links to our schedule.

Saturday 04.14.2018
– Gates open at 5:00pm for track setup – the more hands, the quicker it goes, so please join us and help out!  Jeremy McNeely is our Race Director and will bring us maps for setup.

Sunday 04.15.2018
– Gates open at 7:30am for registration and tech inspection (pre-season racers do not need to tech again)
– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2
– Lunch break – Hot Dog cart available – Please bring some extra cash and support our vendor!
– Driver’s Meeting at the conclusion of lunch break, followed by run groups 3 & 4

2018 Updates

1.  T-Shirts:  Paid members can pick up their 2018 shirts at the event.  Additional shirts are available for $15 each

2.  Novice Racers:  For the regular season, you can race as a Novice twice, then you must race in your car class.  Pre-season races don’t count against this limit.

3.  “Most Improved” Season Award:  This year, we are adding a new award to recognize the racer who shows the most improvement based on their PAX progression throughout the season.  We will keep track of your PAX finishes for all 9 races and see who was able to move up the most.  This award is targeted at racers who compete in every points race in the same PAX class – miss events, and your year-end PAX score will take a hit.  Let’s see who is able to improve the most this year!

4.  Helmets:  Helmets are available to rent for just $1 (and we will hang onto your driver’s license until it is returned).  If you bring your own, it must be SA/MA 2005 or better.

5.  2018 SCCA Classes and Rules:   We have the latest SCCA rule book for your review, and will be confirming your car class at registration.  You can also download the 2018 rules and Street class categories here.
See you at the track!

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