You don’t have to be a member of the club to race – all are welcome, and anyone can compete for the Fast Time, PAX, and Fast in Class awards presented at each event. Fees are unchanged from last year – entry fee is $30 for members and $35 for non-members. Please visit http://www.trinitytouringclub.
– Gates open at 5:00pm for track setup – the more hands, the quicker it goes, so please join us and help out! Jeremy McNeely is our Race Director and will bring us maps for setup.
Sunday 04.15.2018
– Gates open at 7:30am for registration and tech inspection (pre-season racers do not need to tech again)
– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2
– Lunch break – Hot Dog cart available – Please bring some extra cash and support our vendor!
– Driver’s Meeting at the conclusion of lunch break, followed by run groups 3 & 4
4. Helmets: Helmets are available to rent for just $1 (and we will hang onto your driver’s license until it is returned). If you bring your own, it must be SA/MA 2005 or better.
5. 2018 SCCA Classes and Rules: We have the latest SCCA rule book for your review, and will be confirming your car class at registration. You can also download the 2018 rules and Street class categories here.