Pre-Season Results + Registration Open for Spring Enduro

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Another pre-season test and tune is in the books, and while it was damp, rain never actually fell on our heads so that was nice.  Saturday was the dryer of the two days, with Troy Dewell taking Top Time in his XP Miata and Blake DeWit cruising to the first of two PAX wins for the weekend, in different cars.  Sunday’s fast driver was Nick Tepley in a GTI, PAX was Blake in a Honda Accord, and our fastest Novice of the weekend was new club member Nick Kelley in a Roush Mustang with no 2nd gear who was one cone away for winning all the marbles Sunday.  


Our next event is the Sharon and Ted Haley Spring Enduro March 22nd – 23rd to kick off the 2025 Shasta AutoX Challenge Series – we would love to see you there!  Register now at

2025 Shasta AutoX Challenge Series 

March 22 – 23 Spring Enduro
April 12 -13
May 10 – 11
June 7 – 8
July 13
August 17
September 20 – 21
October 25 – 26 Fall Enduro

All events are currently scheduled at the Shasta Speedway. 

Pre-Season AutoX #2 This Weekend, join us!

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Pre-Season AutoX #2 This Weekend, join us!

Racing Saturday and Sunday February 15th and 16th, rain or shine, at the Shasta Speedway in Anderson. Novices welcome! Overnight camping available!

Register now:

Weekend Schedule:

Friday 02.14.2025

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for a track setup

– Please come out to help if you can, the more hands, the faster it all goes!

Saturday 02.15.2025

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Novice Walk 8:45am

– Morning Driver’s Meeting at 9am, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch Break

– Afternoon Driver’s Meeting, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun runs for registered racers

Sunday 02.16.2025

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Novice Walk 8:45am

– Morning Driver’s Meeting at 9am, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch Break

– AfternoonDriver’s Meeting, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site

2025 Memberships / Sponsorships

– Sign up now for an Individual or Family TTC membership on MSR:

— Sign up for membership first, then sign up for an event to get the member pricing

Registration Open for February Pre-Season

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We had a small but determined group of racers out for our early January pre-season event at the Shasta Speedway.  As is true for all test and tunes, many people spent time in the pit lane with a wrench or zip tie in their hand, trying to fix something before heading out on the track again.  It was a fun track with lots of space and options that made us all think fast!  Saturday Garret Murphy took top time in his BST classed 350Z and Jeremy McNeely scored the PAX win in an ES Miata.  Sunday, it was all Blake DeWit with a commanding top time and PAX performance in his ES Miata.  Great job everyone!


Next Race:  We are back at the Speedway for pre-season race #2 February 15th – 16th, sign up now at plan to join us for another great weekend of racing!

Autocross This Weekend at the Shasta Speedway – 2025 Updates!

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We are racing January 11th and 12th at the Shasta Speedway for pre-season fun and the weather looks spectacular.  All are welcome!  This is the first of two pre-season weekend “test and tune” events this year so expect a lot of track time.  See below after the Updates for this weekend’s schedule.

Register Now


1. Sign up for Morning or Afternoon and we’ll assign your specific run group and work group at the driver’s meeting.  

— For example, if you signed up for Morning, you’ll be assigned either Run Group 1 or 2 and work the opposite group.  If you’re racing Morning both days, you will be assigned to the alternate Run Group on day two, ex. race Group 1 on Saturday, Group 2 on Sunday.  

2. New SCCA classes for Street Touring 

— ST classes now follow the pattern for Street (AST, BST, CST, etc.) 

— Use the SCCA website to find your class

— New ST classes are not yet in MSR, choose your old class when registering, the timing computer will have the new classes and MSR will be updated for February

3. Novice Walk 8:45AM:  Anyone who would like some additional instruction with our group of exceptional drivers is invited to a pre-driver’s meeting track walk to cover everything from the basics for beginners to improving your technique as a racer with some events under your belt.  We’ll tailor it to our audience and encourage you to take advantage!  Don’t miss it if you’re new to autocross!

4. Penalties

— Lay down pointer cones no longer count towards cone penalties, only the standing cone next to the pointer

5. Tech Inspection

— Be sure you are completing your self-tech before the event!  All entries are subject to inspection for safety. 

6.  Car Number and Class

— Use the tape or window markers from the registration table to add your car number and class to the upper passenger windshield, rear side windows, or doors 

January Weekend Schedule:

Friday 01.10.2025

– Gates open at 4:00pm Friday for a track setup

– We need to unload the Kart Track trailer and restack the big trailer – please come out to help if you can, the more hands, the faster it all goes!

– Campers are welcome!  Camping option can be selected during online registration

Saturday 01.11.2025

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Morning Driver’s Meeting at 9am, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Afternoon Driver’s Meeting, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun runs for registered racers

Sunday 01.12.2025

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Morning Driver’s Meeting at 9am, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– AfternoonDriver’s Meeting, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site

2025 Memberships / Sponsorships 

– Sign up now for an Individual or Family TTC membership on MSR:

— Sign up for membership first, then sign up for an event to get the member pricing

– Sponsors can find Club sponsorship details here

See you at the Track!

Fall Enduro and Fundraiser Results

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We had a great weekend of racing at the kart track to finish our Club’s 40th anniversary year.  Thank-you to everyone who was able to make it out to be with us – we welcomed visitors from all 3 neighboring autocross clubs as well as KRCR reporter Max Tedford for a follow-up on this year’s fundraiser, which thanks to this weekend was a great success!  The raffle brought in $1,285 and with 35 racers participating in the event, we are able to cover the donations we made in early October to the United Way of Northern California ($1,000) and to Kristy and Michael Daneau ($2000) for help rebuilding after the Park Fire.  Our 2025 Season Pass winners were Charlie and Dawna Mosher and David Espinosa – congratulations!  A huge thanks to everyone who donated items for the raffles and to you degenerate gamblers for buying all those damn tickets.
Despite a wet start on Saturday, it was a fast weekend at the kart track. Saturday practice got going after many fun runs to dry things out, so the schedule was whack, but we got practice done in time for Odell Craft BBQ dinner and a beautiful sunset.  Race day was dry and warmer, with David Winterburn piloting the DSR Sport Racer to Top Time and Max Power getting the most out of the Elantra N with Top PAX in Sunday’s 5 lap Enduro.  Full results  Great job everyone on a safe, fast, and fun weekend! 

Our next Club meeting is Wednesday November 13th at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6pm – 7pm social hour, meeting at 7pm, all are welcome!  We are working through board member roles and asking for nominations for next year – please join us!

Fall Enduro This Weekend at the Kart Track

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We are racing Saturday and Sunday November 2nd and 3rd at the Shasta Kart Klub just south of the Redding Drag Strip.  Dry camping is available!  Event is rain or shine!  Register now to reserve your spot!  This is our final event of the year!  

Saturday will feature two laps per run to give you some practice for Sunday’s 5 lap main event – we will use the same track, same direction for both days.  Saturday evening we will have a celebration at the track for our Season winners and Odell Craft BBQ is cooking dinner!  The Club is providing plates, utensils etc. and soft drinks.  Dinner is at 5:30pm followed by awards.  Bring a chair, your favorite beverage, and a dessert to share if you like!  $15 per person and you can sign up as part of registration or pay at the event.  Come celebrate with us!

Sign up for the Enduro race weekend, charity fundraiser, and celebration dinner now at

Overnight camping is allowed (no power or water, absolutely no fires).  Food and fuel are nearby at Rancho Rd. and Airport Rd.  The access road and parking areas are gravel – go slowly, 5 mph max on all unpaved surfaces..  DO NOT TRESPASS onto the dragstrip.  There are races Saturday night and at no time this weekend are we allowed on any portion of the drag strip property. 

At the Kart track, the staging lanes are paved – please do not park on the staging lanes.  All of the rules we have at the Shasta Speedway apply here, no drugs or alcohol, children and pets must be supervised, no aggressive driving on the access roads, etc.  

Friday 11.01.2024

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for a quick track setup

– Anyone planning to camp Friday needs to arrive between 4:30pm and 6:30pm 

Saturday 11.02.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun runs for registered racers if time and weather allow

Saturday Night 

– Odell Craft BBQ dinner at 5:30pm followed by season awards

– BYOB, a chair, and any desert you would like to share

Sunday 11.03.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site


Shasta Kart Klub

6030 Old Oregon Trail Redding, CA 96002

From I-5:
– Take exit 673 for Knighton Rd and head toward the Redding Airport (East)
– Turn Left Onto Airport road
– Turn Right onto Rancho Road
– Turn Right at the 1st cross street onto Old Oregon Trail heading South
– Turn Left onto Desperado Trail
– Turn Right onto Old Oregon Trail heading South
– After entering the main Redding Motorsports Park gate, keep left
– Enter the left gate and travel South along the gravel road (5 mph)  – look for green TTC cones

– Continue on gravel road (5 mph) to the Shasta Kart Klub 

2024 Fundraiser:  This year we are focused on helping with Park Fire relief.  Participate for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning a 2025 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  You can donate online as part of your race registration, or we will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the November event.  Raffle drawings will be held Sunday November 3rd at lunch break and you do not need to present to win. 

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  2024 SCCA Solo rules apply, you can download them from and we’ll have printed copies at the event.

4.  Full season schedule

5.  Cl ub meetings have moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6-8pm.

Fall Enduro at the Kart Track Nov 2nd-3rd

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Join us for our season finale Enduro weekend!   We are racing Saturday and Sunday November 2nd and 3rd at the Shasta Kart Klub just south of the Redding Drag Strip.  We’ll be using cones to create the autocross track layout for our Enduro and to keep competitors away from any hazards.  Dry camping is available!  Event is rain or shine!  Register now to reserve your spot!  This is our final event of the year!  

Saturday will feature two laps per run to give you some practice for Sunday’s 5 lap main event – we will use the same track, same direction for both days.  Saturday evening we will have a celebration at the track for our Season winners and Odell Craft BBQ is cooking dinner!  The Club is providing plates, utensils etc. and soft drinks.  Dinner is at 5:30pm followed by awards.  Bring a chair, your favorite beverage, and a dessert to share if you like!  $15 per person and you can sign up as part of registration or pay at the event.  Come celebrate with us!

Sign up for the Enduro race weekend, charity fundraiser, and celebration dinner now at

2024 Fundraiser:  This year we are focused on helping with Park Fire relief.  Participate for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning a 2025 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  You can donate online as part of your race registration, or we will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the November event.  Raffle drawings will be held Sunday November 3rd at lunch break and you do not need to present to win. 

Be Safe, Go Fast, and Have Fun!  Come race with us!

Results + Fall Enduro Registration

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Another great season of autocross racing is in the books for the Trinity Touring Club – a huge thank-you to our members, sponsors, and supporters who help make our events successful!  We have just one more event remaining this year, our Fall Enduro October 26rh and 27th – register now at and join us for a great weekend of racing at the Shasta Speedway, rain or shine!  You can participate in this year’s fundraiser benefiting Park Fire relief as part of race registration.

Our final points race of the year was held last weekend, with David Winterburn setting Top Time in the DSR Sports Racer and the only driver in the 33 second bracket both days, despite some mechanical challenges.  PAX was a tight race, with Blake DeWit getting the win Saturday in ES, and Max Power on Sunday in DS by just 0.06 – top 5 PAX finishers Sunday were within a second thanks to the short, fast course.  Our fastest Novice on Saturday was James Matson in a Miata, and Sunday it was Nicholas Tepley in a VW GTI.  We even had Max Tedford from KCRA news out to support this year’s fundraiser, taking some rides and interviewing our Club President, Jeremy McNeely!  Check it out!

Results –

See you in October!

Welcome To The Trinity Touring Club’s 40th Year of Autocross Racing!

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Join us for our season finale Enduro weekend!   We are racing Saturday and Sunday October 26th and 27th, rain or shine,at the Shasta Speedway.  Saturday will feature two laps per run to give you some practice for Sunday’s 5 lap main event – we will use the same track, same direction for both days.  Rain or shine!  Campers are welcome!  

Sign up now at

Gates open at 7:30am with Driver’s Meeting for Run Groups 1 & 2 at 9am.  Driver’s Meeting for Run Groups 3 & 4 is at 12:00pm. Entry fee is $32 for members and $37 for non-members each day, paid online here on motorsports.reg. A limited number of rental helmets are available for $5 a day and can be reserved as part of sign up.   Work stations will be assigned at the Driver’s Meeting to all participants.  This is our final event of the year!  

Saturday evening we will have a celebration at the track, so plan to return around 4:30pm.  BYOB!  

2024 Fundraising Kickoff:  Each year we choose organizations helping others in our community for our charity drive – past beneficiaries include the Haven Humane Society, Northern California Wheelchair Athletics, The Carr Fire Relief Fund, Connected Living Food Bank, The Good News Rescue Mission, the Northern California Veterans Museum, Toys for Tots, Adopt a Family, and the Shasta County Child Support Services Backpack and School Supply Drive.  We have raised over $18,000 in support of local charities over the last 7 years, and this year we are focused on helping with Park Fire relief.  We are donating to the United Way of Northern California and are also helping Kristy and Michael Daneau, a family that lost their Paradise home in the Camp fire in 2018, and again have lost their home in Cohasset in the Park fire.  Participate for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning a 2025 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  You can donate online as part of your race registration, or we will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the September and October events. 

Raffle drawings will be held Sunday October 27th at lunch break and you do not need to present to win. 

Be Safe, Go Fast, and Have Fun!  Come race with us!

Final Points Race + Park Fire Relief Fundraiser

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We hope you plan to join us for our final points race weekend of the year on Saturday and Sunday September 21st and 22nd at the Shasta Speedway.  Help us kick off our fundraiser and put down some fast laps with your favorite hoonigans!  Bring a friend!  Novices are always welcome!

We are donating to the United Way of Northern California and are also helping Kristy and Michael Daneau, a family that lost their Paradise home in the Camp fire in 2018, and again have lost their home in Cohasset in the Park Fire.  Participate in the raffle for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning a 2025 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  You can donate online as part of your race registration, or we will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the September and October events.  

Raffle drawings will be held at our year end celebration Fall Enduro weekend October 26th & 27th and you do not need to present to win. We appreciate donations for the raffle!  If you are able to donate automotive themed or local service items, please reach out to me or Jeremy!

Register for September now at

Friday 09.20.2024

– Gates open at 5:00pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Jeremy McNeely is back as our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide

– Campers are welcome! 

Saturday 09.21.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun runs for registered racers!

Sunday 09.22.2024

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2 

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  2024 SCCA Solo rules apply, you can download them from and we have printed copies at the event.

4.  Full season schedule

5.  Club meetings have moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Player’s Pizza in Anderson, 6-8pm