All Posts By

Brian Berry

This Weekend’s Event Rescheduled to Feb 25th – 26th

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We are still waiting for our 2023 liability insurance policy, and unfortunately it is not yet in force, so we are unable to put a tire on the race track this weekend.  I’m sorry for the inconvenience and late notice, we had a “last chance” deadline of Noon today that has passed, so we are rescheduling to next weekend.

If you’ve already registered online and can make it next weekend, you don’t need to do anything.  If you can’t make it, you should be able to cancel online, or send an email with any other changes you’d like to make. 

IMPORTANT NOTE for 2023: There are some car class changes from SCCA for this season – some popular classes like ASP have been eliminated, other classes have expanded, and new classes added.  Please review the current draft SCCA Solo Rules for 2023 and choose your class accordingly when registering – if you’re unsure, just register for something and we’ll confirm at the track.  New PAX factors can be found at

We had a great January event and are looking forward to our next pre-season weekend February 25th and 26th, rain or shine, at the Shasta Speedway.  All are welcome!  This is the last of two pre-season weekend “test and tune” events this year, our season will start in March with our Spring Enduro March 25th and 26th.  

Memberships / Sponsors

– Individual or Family membership:

– Sponsors:  See Club sponsorship details here

—  All sponsor levels include a Family membership, so if you plan to sponsor the Club, you do not need to sign up for a separate membership.  

February Pre-Season Race Weekend – Register Now! 

Saturday the 25th:

Sunday the 26th:

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg for this year!!!

2.  Sign up for an individual or family membership on MotorsportsReg before we start our points season next month!

3.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

4.  Do your SCCA homework to understand how you will class your entry 

Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll see you at the track!

February Pre-Season Autocross Registration Open

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IMPORTANT NOTE for 2023: There are some car class changes from SCCA for this season – some popular classes like ASP have been eliminated, other classes have expanded, and new classes added.  Please review the current draft SCCA Solo Rules for 2023 and choose your class accordingly when registering – if you’re unsure, just register for something and we’ll confirm at the track.  New PAX factors can be found at

We had a great January event and are looking forward to our next pre-season weekend February 18th and 19th, rain or shine, at the Shasta Speedway.  All are welcome!  This is the last of two pre-season weekend “test and tune” events this year, our season will start in March with our Spring Enduro March 25th and 26th.  

Memberships / Sponsors

– Individual or Family membership:

– Sponsors:  See Club sponsorship details here

—  All sponsor levels include a Family membership, so if you plan to sponsor the Club, you do not need to sign up for a separate membership.  

February Pre-Season Race Weekend – Register Now! 

Saturday the 18th:

Sunday the 19th:

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg for this year!!!

2.  Sign up for an individual or family membership on MotorsportsReg before we start our points season next month!

3.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

4.  Do your SCCA homework to understand how you will class your entry 

January Pre-Season Results

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The sun came out but didn’t do much to heat things up for our January pre-season weekend, but not to worry, as we brought the heat!  We had a fast, technical track that had some racers caught out for at least a run or two, but with six runs, everyone got it figured out by the end.  A big thanks to Jeremy for the fun track, and to our great group of racers and Club members that made it out for a couple of days of January racing.

Boris Podtetenieff was the fastest racer both days in the Tesla Model S Plaid, old tires or not.  Our PAX winner Saturday was Blake DeWit in his ES classed Miata, and Sunday, it was Brian Berry in the DS classed Mustang Ecoboost HPP.  The fastest Novices were David Starkey in his Corvette on Saturday, and AJ Delgado in a Tesla Model 3 Performance on Sunday.

Full race results

Please be sure to sign up for a membership this year!  Points racing starts in March!

Our next pre-season weekend is February 18th & 19th and we hope you make it out to race with us!  Full season schedule has been submitted to the Fairgrounds – updates soon!

Racing This Weekend! Don’t Miss It!

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Join us at the Shasta Speedway this weekend for the first of two ‘test and tune’ events of 2023!  Enjoy some time in the sunshine and shake off those winter doldrums.  Register online – entry fees are unchanged this year, $32 for members and $37 for non-members.  

Saturday the 21st:

Sunday the 22nd:

Memberships / Sponsors

– Individual or Family membership:

– Sponsors:  See Club sponsorship details here 

Club membership is for the calendar year and gets you $5 off the entry fee, a rad t-shirt at the beginning of our regular season in March, and puts you in the competition for season awards.  All sponsor levels include a Family membership.  Membership fees are unchanged this year, $30 for Individual or $35 for Family.  Complete your membership purchase online prior to registration to see the Member price.

Friday 01.20.2023

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide

– Campers are welcome!  Stay for the weekend!

Saturday 01.21.2023

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch break – we are on our own for lunch

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run groups 3 & 4

– Fun Runs / Open Practice for registered racers if time allows

Sunday 01.22.2023

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch break – we are on our own for lunch

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run groups 3 & 4

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg for this year!!!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  Our next pre-season weekend is February 18th & 19th

4.  Regular Season starts with the Spring Enduro Weekend March 25th – 26th – our full season schedule will be available soon

See you at the track!

2023 Pre Season Racing – Registration Open!

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Happy New Year everyone!  We are ready to kick off another year of autocross racing with the Trinity Touring Club, starting with our first pre-season weekend January 21st and 22nd, rain or shine, at the Shasta Speedway.  All are welcome!  This is the first of two pre-season weekend “test and tune” events this year, our season will start in March with our Spring Enduro.  

Memberships / Sponsors

– Individual or Family membership:

– Sponsors:  See Club sponsorship details here

—  All sponsor levels include a Family membership, so if you plan to sponsor the Club, you do not need to sign up for a separate membership.  

January Pre-Season Race Weekend – Register Now! 

Saturday the 21st:

Sunday the 22nd:

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg for this year!!!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

3.  Our next pre-season weekend is February 18th & 19th

4.  Regular Season starts in March; full schedule is under development

Fall Enduro and Fundraiser Results

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We had a record day Saturday with 50 racers taking the green flag for Enduro practice.  Sunday it was 34 drivers racing for the win.  David Winterburn in the JBS Sports Racer was the fastest driver Sunday with a blistering time of  262.736 for 5 laps around the course.  Our PAX winner was Robert Foster who did a beautiful run in his AS classed Corvette Grand Sport (with no practice, btw), and our fastest Novice was Joe Reyes in a Subaru BRZ.  Full results at

Saturday, we had a well attended Chili Cookoff with many different styles of everyone’s favorite meat gravy.  Our winner, in a stand-out performance, was Diane Heinze.  Class winner awards this year were embroidered windbreakers with the club logo on the back and are absolutely amazing – thank-you David and Custom Imprints!  Sunday, our big raffle winners were Garret Murphy, who scored the 2023 TTC Season Pass, Shawn McNeely for the hotel stay and dinner at Mosiac, and Shane Larsen with the Gorilla bedliner from Lithia Chevrolet.  

The Enduro race weekend wrapped up our charity fundraiser for Toys for Tots and Adopt a Family.  The raffle brought in $1,500 and with our amazing attendance for the Enduro, the Club is able to add $2,500.  Perry’s Automotive also made a direct $500 donation for a total of $4,500 to be split between the two non-profits.  Fantastic job on the fundraiser this year! 

We could not do these events without the support of our members and local community.  Big thanks for this year’s raffle donations go to:

Lithia Chevrolet


Snap-on Tools

O’Reilly Auto Parts

Naked Coffee

Redding Realty

Sun Oaks

Studio West Salon

Dills Deli

Sharon Haley – 2023 Season Pass

Kelly Daniels – Handcrafted blankets

Dawn Fedeli – Gift Box

Another huge thanks goes to our 2022 season sponsors – we hope you will support us again for next year!  Pre-season racing will resume in January!

We’ll have more updates for Club members soon for club elections and our planned entry in the on Saturday Dec. 3rd.

Season Finale Enduro + Chili Cook-off + Year End Celebration

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We are racing Saturday and Sunday October 15th & 16th at the Shasta Speedway, rain or shine, for our final event of 2022!  Saturday is practice for Sunday’s Enduro and will feature two laps per run to give you some practice for Sunday’s 5 lap main event.  Sunday you will do 5 laps all in one run, with your cumulative time determining your finishing position.  

Saturday evening we will be hosting a Chili Cook-off at the track – we’ll have a place for you to plug in your crockpot so bring it with you to Saturday’s event, or plan to go get it after the race and come back to sample all the offerings!  Plan to gather around 430pm – we’ll vote on the best chili and award a fabulous prize!  We will also be celebrating our 2022 Fast Driver, PAX, and Class winners so please do plan to join us at the track Saturday evening.  BYOB!  

*** October Enduro Race Weekend ***

Saturday the 15th:

Sunday the 16th:

Friday 10.14.2022

– Gates open at 5:00pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide

– Campers are welcome!  Stay for the weekend!

Saturday 10.15.2022

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch break – we are on our own for lunch

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run groups 3 & 4

– Fun Runs / Open Practice for registered racers if time allows

 Chili Cookoff:   We’ll corral the crockpots and serve up some piping hot chili Saturday evening, starting around 5pm.  We can keep your chili warm while you race!

– Awards:  We’ll celebrate our season winners! 

Sunday 10.16.2022

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch break – we are on our own for lunch

– Raffle Drawings:  Drawings for both raffles will be during lunch break

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run groups 3 & 4

Entry fee is $32 for members and $37 for non-members paid online.  

2022 Fundraiser:  This year we are supporting two local charities helping the less fortunate in our community enjoy the holiday season, Toys for Tots and Adopt a Family.  

Participate in the general fundraiser for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning the 2023 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  Enter the raffle(s) as part of your online registration for the Enduro weekend.  We will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the events.  Raffle drawings will be held at our year end celebration Enduro weekend October 15th & 16th and you do not need to present to win.  

If you would like to just enter the raffle(s) and do not plan to race with us in October, go to MSR and enter the raffle(s) online at

September Race + Season Results

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We hosted a great group of racers this weekend to finish off the 2022 Shasta AutoX Challenge Series and kick-off our fundraiser for two local charities helping the less fortunate in our community, Toys for Tots and Adopt a Family  We raised over $1,000 through race entry fees, raffle entries, and t-shirts, which is a great start!  Our fundraiser runs through October 15th.

The weather finally gave us a break with temps in the low 90’s and cool mornings.  David Winterburn put the hammer down and brought the JBS Sports Racer home in 1st place, while Brian Berry coaxed the HPP Ecoboost Mustang to last run PAX wins both Saturday and Sunday.  Jeremy and Shawn McNeely battled it out for XP class supremacy, but ended up in a tie – typically we’d go to PAX finishes to determine a season winner, but these guys want to settle it on the track, so it is winner takes all for the upcoming Enduro.


Plan to join us for our final event of the year October 15th & 16th!  The weekend will feature an Enduro event with practice on Saturday and a full 5 laps on Sunday.  We will take time Saturday evening to celebrate our winners and decide who made the best chili!  The fundraiser raffle drawing will be held Sunday 16th during lunch break.  It is going to be a blast!  Race registration will be open soon so be ready to sign up!

Season Finale AutoX Saturday and Sunday – Early Start

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The Trinity Touring Club is hosting the finale of the Shasta AutoX Challenge Series on Saturday and Sunday, September 10th and 11th, at the Shasta Speedway in Anderson.  We are also kicking off our 2022 fundraiser – this year we are supporting two local charities helping the less fortunate in our community enjoy the holiday season, Toys for Tots and Adopt a Family.   The best way to support our fundraiser is to come out and race with us!  All net proceeds for the September weekend will go toward donations.  Register and Donate on MSR:  

Saturday the 10th:

Sunday the 11th:

Friday 09.09.2022

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for track setup.  Come out and help if you can!

– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director

– Campers are welcome!  Stay for the weekend!

Saturday 09.10.2022

  • Gates open at 7:00am for registration check in
  • Driver’s Meeting at 8am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2
  • Short break
  • Driver’s Meeting at 11am for groups 3 & 4
  • Fun Runs / Open Practice for registered racers if time and conditions allow

Sunday 09.11.2022

– Gates open at 7:00am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 8am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Short break 

– Driver’s Meeting at 11am for groups 3 & 4

– Track break down and clean up

Work stations will be assigned to all racers at the event.  T-Shirts are available for $10 and all proceeds go towards this year’s fundraiser.

This year’s raffles include a 2023 Season Pass and donated items from our sponsors. Participate in the fundraiser for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning the 2023 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  Enter the raffle(s) as part of your online registration.  We will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the events.  Raffle drawings will be held at our year end celebration Enduro weekend October 15th & 16th and you do not need to present to win.  If you would like to just enter the raffle(s) and do not plan to race, go to MSR and enter online at . 

Come race with us this weekend!

Registration Open for Season Finale + Fund Raiser Kickoff

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The Trinity Touring Club is hosting the finale of the Shasta AutoX Challenge Series on Saturday and Sunday, September 10th and 11th, at the Shasta Speedway in Anderson.  We are also kicking off our 2022 fundraiser – this year we are supporting two local charities helping the less fortunate in our community enjoy the holiday season, Toys for Tots and Adopt a Family.   The best way to support our fundraiser is to come out and race with us!  All net proceeds for the September weekend will go toward donations.  

Register and Donate on MSR:

Saturday the 10th:

Sunday the 11th:

This year’s raffles include a 2023 Season Pass and donated items from our sponsors. Participate in the fundraiser for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning the 2023 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25.  Enter the raffle(s) as part of your online registration.  We will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the events.  Raffle drawings will be held at our year end celebration Enduro weekend October 15th & 16th and you do not need to present to win.  If you would like to just enter the raffle(s) and do not plan to race, go to MSR and enter online at . 

We are looking for additional raffle donations, so please reach out to me or Jeremy if you have items or services to donate as part of the raffle – feel entitled to ask your employer or your favorite local business if they would like to support us in raising money for local families!

Looking forward to seeing you at the track!