We are still waiting for our 2023 liability insurance policy, and unfortunately it is not yet in force, so we are unable to put a tire on the race track this weekend. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and late notice, we had a “last chance” deadline of Noon today that has passed, so we are rescheduling to next weekend.
If you’ve already registered online and can make it next weekend, you don’t need to do anything. If you can’t make it, you should be able to cancel online, or send an email with any other changes you’d like to make.
IMPORTANT NOTE for 2023: There are some car class changes from SCCA for this season – some popular classes like ASP have been eliminated, other classes have expanded, and new classes added. Please review the current draft SCCA Solo Rules for 2023 and choose your class accordingly when registering – if you’re unsure, just register for something and we’ll confirm at the track. New PAX factors can be found at https://www.solotime.info/pax/
We had a great January event and are looking forward to our next pre-season weekend February 25th and 26th, rain or shine, at the Shasta Speedway. All are welcome! This is the last of two pre-season weekend “test and tune” events this year, our season will start in March with our Spring Enduro March 25th and 26th.
Memberships / Sponsors
– Individual or Family membership: http://msreg.com/ttcmembership2023
– Sponsors: See Club sponsorship details here
— All sponsor levels include a Family membership, so if you plan to sponsor the Club, you do not need to sign up for a separate membership.
February Pre-Season Race Weekend – Register Now!
Saturday the 25th: msreg.com/ttc2023ps3
Sunday the 26th: msreg.com/ttc2023ps4
Important Notes
1. Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg for this year!!!
2. Sign up for an individual or family membership on MotorsportsReg before we start our points season next month!
3. Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)
4. Do your SCCA homework to understand how you will class your entry
Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll see you at the track!
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