We are making progress on getting our new insurance all set up for this year and should have it in time for this weekend’s pre-season autocross event at the Shasta Speedway. Keep an eye out for updates early Friday afternoon in case we have to reschedule again! If you have not registered yet but plan to come, please register now so we can get a head count for this weekend.
February Pre-Season Race Weekend
Saturday the 25th: msreg.com/ttc2023ps3
Sunday the 26th: msreg.com/ttc2023ps4
Memberships / Sponsors
– Individual or Family membership: http://msreg.com/ttcmembership2023
– Sponsors: See Club sponsorship details here
— LAST CALL FOR SPONSORS! Please contact us immediately if you plan to sponsor the Club this year and we have not talked about it.
Friday 02.24.2023
– Gates open at 5:00pm Friday for track setup. Please come by and help us out with setup if you can! The more folks, the quicker it goes!
– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide
– Campers are welcome! Stay for the weekend!
Saturday 02.25.2023 (dry)
– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in
– We will likely consolidate run groups based on attendance and expect to run 2 or 3 groups
– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2
– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3
– Fun Runs / Open Practice for registered racers if time allows
Sunday 02.26.2023 (wet)
– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in
– We will likely consolidate run groups based on attendance and expect to run 2 or 3 groups
– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2
– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3
– Clean-up and break down of the site
Important Notes
1. Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg for this year!!!
2. Sign up for an individual or family membership on MotorsportsReg before we start our points season next month!
3. Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)
4. Do your SCCA homework to understand how you will class your entry
Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll see you at the track!
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