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Brian Berry

Fundraiser Results and Voting 2024 Officers on 11.21.2023

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We had a great result for our annual fundraiser!  Thank-you to everyone who bought tickets for the raffles and came out to race with us in September and October.  The raffle brought in $1,000 which along with our entry fee, helmet, and t-shirt income has our cash replenished from our July donation to the Shasta County Child Support Services annual kids backpack drive – checkout their thank-you card on  We will do another one next year so be thinking of local organizations we can help.

As we look ahead to next year, we need to thank all of our board members for their work in 2023.  David Espinosa, Jerry Shaha, Shane Larsen, and Shawn McNeely have been fantastic partners in all things race setup and race day, as well as making those monthly club meetings to keep us all on track.  We hope you’ll consider doing it again next year!  

We need nominations for all positions (President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer*, and 4 Board Members) for 2024 so we can vote at our next club meeting on Tuesday, November 21st  Reply via email with nominations or text them, the nominee needs to be aware and able to serve. 

Fall Enduro Weekend

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The Trinity Touring Club is finishing our year with our Fall Enduro October 21st and 22nd at the Shasta Speedway.  Saturday will feature two laps per run to give you some practice for Sunday’s 5 lap main event – we will use the same track, same direction for both days.  Rain or shine!  Campers are welcome!   

Our annual fundraising drive concludes this weekend – you can enter the raffles online as part of your registration.  This year we have fabulous prizes* from our sponsors and friends.  $5 gets you 6 entries in the general raffle.  We will also have a grand prize raffle featuring a 2024 Season Pass donated by Sharon Haley for all of our races at the Shasta Speedway next year – enter for $25 for a chance to win!  Tickets will also be available at the track, and the drawing will be held on Sunday October 22nd.

Saturday evening we will host a “Crocktoberfest Cookoff” and potluck at the track so plan to return around 4:30pm and bring your favorite crockpot entree or a side dish.  Make your best chili, soup, or stew, or whatever else you can serve up in a crock pot.  The club will provide all the utensils and a place to plug in, as well as soft drinks.  BYOB!    

*we are accepting raffle donations!  Reach out to me, Jeremy, or Sharon

Register for the Fall Enduro Race Weekend:

Friday 10.20.2023

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide

Saturday 10.21.2023

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun Runs for registered racers if time allows

– Crocktoberfest Potluck & Season Awards 4:30pm – 700pm

Sunday 10.22.2023

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch Break and Raffle Drawings

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

Fall Enduro Weekend Info

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We had an amazing year of racing and hope that you’re planning to participate in our final weekend of 2023 Saturday and Sunday October 21st and 22nd at the Shasta Speedway.  We are doing our year end celebration Saturday evening with a “Crocktoberfest Cookoff ” potluck and awards* for this year’s winners.  This is our last time to get together and get on the track this year, so we hope you are planning to race in the Enduro, or if not, you’ll come to the potluck dinner and hang out with us for a relaxing evening celebrating this year’s competitors.  

Register Now for the Fall Enduro Race Weekend:

Our 2023 fundraiser concludes on Sunday the 22nd with raffle drawings at noon.  Enter online as part of registration or buy tickets at the event.

Crocktoberfest Potluck & Season Awards

Saturday October 21st 2023 

4:30pm – 7:00pm @ the Shasta Speedway

Saturday evening we will host a “Crocktoberfest Cookoff” and potluck at the track so plan to return around 4:30pm and bring your favorite crockpot entree or a side dish.  Make your best chili, soup, or stew, or whatever else you can serve up in a crock pot.  The club will provide all the utensils and a place to plug in, as well as soft drinks.  BYOB!   Prize for the most crockalicious entry!  Be sure to bring a chair.  The more the merrier so please plan to participate.  

Final Points Race This Weekend @ Thunderhill

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We are racing with the North Bay Corvette Club at Thunderhill Raceway on the big skid pad Saturday and Sunday October 7th and 8th to finish our points season.  Morning and Afternoon run groups on Saturday, Sunday morning only, sign up online to reserve your spot!  Trinity Touring Club members and guests are all welcome to join the fun.

This weekend at Thunderhill, the Shelby Club has the 3mi course, motorcycles are on the 2mi, and drifters will be out on the small pad.  The Corvette Club is looking for us to help them put on a great event and lay down some fast laps.  Come out to Willows and race with us this weekend!

Our final event of the year will be October 21st and 22nd at the Shasta Speedway and registration is open now

– Enduro practice on Saturday

– “Crocktoberfest” Potluck and Season Celebration Saturday Evening

– 5 Lap Enduro Sunday

– Raffle drawings Sunday at Lunch Break

See you at the track!

Registration Open for TTC Fall Enduro Weekend

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We are racing Saturday Saturday and Sunday October 21st and 22nd at the Shasta Speedway.  Saturday will feature two laps per run to give you some practice for Sunday’s 5 lap main event – we will use the same track, same direction for both days.  Rain or shine!  Campers are welcome!  Gates open at 7:30am with Driver’s Meeting for Run Groups 1 & 2 at 9am.  Driver’s Meeting for Run Groups 3 & 4 is at 12:00pm. Entry fee is $32 for members and $37 for non-members each day. A limited number of rental helmets are available for $5 a day and can be reserved as part of sign up.   Work stations will be assigned at the Driver’s Meeting to all participants.  This is our final event of the year!  

Register on MSR:

Saturday evening we will host a “Crocktoberfest Cookoff” and potluck at the track so plan to return around 4:30pm and bring your favorite crockpot entrée or a side dish.  Make your best chili, soup, or stew, or whatever else you can serve up in a crock pot.  The club will provide all the utensils and a place to plug in, as well as soft drinks.  BYOB!  

2023 Fundraiser:  We have donated $2500 to the Shasta County Child Support Services Backpack and School Supply Drive, which was held on August 11th at the Civic Auditorium. With our support and others from the community, 530 backpacks were given to students in need. Enter the raffle(s) as part of your online registration and help us meet our fundraising goals!  We will also take cash / credit / checks at the track during the events. Participate for as little as $5 and have a chance at winning some fabulous prizes in the general raffle.  For a chance at winning a 2023 Season Pass, or other big ticket items from our sponsors, tickets are $25. .  Raffle drawings will be held at noon on October 22nd and you do not need to present to win. 

Be Safe, Go Fast, and Have Fun!  Come race with us

September Results + Thunderhill

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We managed to pick up all of our toys at the kart track and bring them back to the Shasta Speedway for rounds 11 & 12 of the Shasta AutoX Challenge Series this last weekend.  We had a smallish turn out of 24 racers but a lot of enthusiasm and fantastic fall weather.  Boris Podtetenieff in the Tesla Model S Plaid and Danny Ide in the ’48 Willys battled for Top Time both days, with Danny fastest Saturday and Boris fastest on the reversed track Sunday.  Brian in the Mustang Ecoboost HPP took down all PAX challengers for a weekend sweep, and we had a great group of novices, with Nicole Hunt fastest on Saturday in a borrowed Miata, and Jonny Soza fastest Sunday in a Mustang.  Tanner Fielding and Taylor Selberg came out Sunday for a head to head battle in Segway Karts, both did a fantastic job and were within 0.60 seconds at the end of their runs.

Full results – 

Our final points race weekend is October 7th and 8th at Thunderhill with North Bay Corvette Club, get signed up and come out for a fun weekend of racing at an amazing motorsports facility!  Both days are points events for TTC members. Register now at

Registration for our October Fall Enduro weekend October 21st and 22nd will be open soon.   

– Enduro practice on Saturday

– “Crocktoberfest” Potluck and Season Celebration Saturday Evening

– 5 Lap Enduro Sunday

– Raffle drawings Sunday at Lunch Break

Autocross at the Shasta Speedway This Weekend!

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Our annual fundraising drive is underway – you can enter the raffles online as part of your registration.  This year we will have fabulous prizes* from our sponsors and friends.  $5 gets you 6 entries in the general raffle.  We will also have a grand prize raffle featuring a 2024 Season Pass donated by Sharon Haley for all of our races at the Shasta Speedway next year – enter for $25 for a chance to win!  Tickets will also be available at our September and October events, and the drawing will be held on Sunday October 22nd.

*we are accepting raffle donations!  Reach out to me, Jeremy, or Sharon

Register for September Race Weekend

Friday 09.22.2023

– Gates open at 4:30pm Friday for track setup.   Please come by and help us out with setup if you can!  The more folks, the quicker it goes! 

– Jeremy McNeely is our Competition Director and will be our track setup guide

– Campers are welcome!  Stay for the weekend!

Saturday 09.23.2023

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Fun Runs for registered racers if time allows

Sunday 09.24.2023

– Gates open at 7:30am for registration check in

– Driver’s Meeting at 9am under the cover, followed by run groups 1 & 2

– Lunch Break 

– Driver’s Meeting for late registrants, followed by run group 3 & 4

– Clean-up and break down of the site

Important Notes

1.  Verify your credit card is correct / active on MotorsportsReg!

2.  Make sure you complete the Self Tech (do not bring us the form, it is for your reference)

Registration Open for Thunderhill October 7th & 8th

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We are partnering with the North Bay Corvette Club to put on another spectacular weekend of autocross racing at the premier motorsports park in Northern California!  Don’t miss it!  Our final points race of the year is at Thunderhill on the big skid pad October 7th and 8th.

Same schedule as June, with racing in both the morning and afternoon plus fun runs on Saturday.  Sunday is morning only.  Both days are points events for TTC members. Register now at

If you don’t see your car class, choose something similar, we’ll sort it all out when we add the results to Axware.  

And don’t forget we are kicking off our fall fundraiser this month on September 23rd and 24th with a weekend of autocross at the Shasta Speedway.  Register online and participate in the fundraising raffle at

Registration Open for September 23rd and 24th

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The season is winding down, with just two weekends of points racing remaining.  Our next event is at the Shasta Speedway and also kicks off our annual fundraising drive – we are soliciting raffle prizes so if you are able to donate automotive themed or local service items, please reach out to me or Jeremy

Sign up online to enter the race and the raffles!  T-shirts are available online for just $10 and all proceeds go to our fundraising effort.  September 23rd & 24th at the Shasta Speedway:

See you at the track!

TTC Weekend at the Shasta Kart Klub

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We had a spectacular weekend of racing at the Shasta Kart Klub facility south of the Redding Dragstrip.  We hosted 63 racers and turned 551 laps around the course over the two days, with Saturday practice going clockwise, and Sunday points race counterclockwise.  We learned a lot about how to put on an event at this venue and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our members and guests, as well as from the kart club leadership about how the event was conducted.  Our thanks to everyone who came out to support us, especially the new people we met (we hope you’ll be back!} and the old friends we hadn’t seen in a while.  

Saturday was a practice day that saw Rick Dunbar on top of the speed charts in the Factory Five 818 roadster with David Winterburn  in the DRS Sports Racer close behind.  Sunday, Boris Podtetenieff in his Tesla Model S Plaidtook the Top Time by a scant 0.012 over David.  Robert Foster scored PAX for Saturday practice and for the main event Sunday in his wicked fast Corvette Grand Sport.  Mason Mercier was our fastest Novice for Saturday in a Miata, and Mason Boozer was our fastest Novice Sunday in a Toyota MR2.  

Full Results:

Our next event kicks off our fall fundraiser and will be at the Shasta Speedway September 23rd and 24th and registration will be open soon.  Raffle tickets will be available online as part of race registration and will be available at the September and October events.  We are currently seeking raffle donations for automotive themed items and local services – if you can help please read more here and let us know what you can donate.